Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome Shana Quinlan

Timmy's First Cousin was born on Sept 2nd, she is so cute. Welcome to the world Shana.

Shana Katoku Quinlan was born 10.36 pm PDT Sept 2nd, weight 8 lb 8oz and measuring 21 inches. Mom and baby are doing fine.

(As an aside my personnel PC died last week, so I'm unable to load up new photos of Timmy, I get a new laptop soon)


Anonymous said...

wow~~god~~sooooooooooooooo lovely a bady~~best wishes to this little baby~~
and best wishes to your whole family!~~~
you are happy and healthy always ~~`
^o^ ^o^ want to kiss the baby's face~~`

WildRose said...

she is so so so sweet!! Thanks for posting these great pics!